This set of high quality s we I'm goggles by #YASEN is very high quality. I took my grandson to the indoor pool to test them out yesterday after they arrived. These are definitely antifog. The adjustable band allowed me to fit his head perfectly. He's 10 1/2 years old but big for his age. I like this is a complete kit that comes with both a set of ear plugs as well as a nose plug. The plug set had it's own plastic storage case as did the goggles and it also had a bag to put it all in perfect for traveling to the beach or pool. As to the UV protection I can't attest to that yet as we only tested this set at our local indoor swimming pool . Onc ess I do test outdoors I will update my review. Overall from what we've seen a very high quality kit. This kit is not made just for men but women and kids ages 10 and up. At $12.96 for a he entire kit of this quality even if you don't need it now, buy it now and put it up for the summer as this is a great price and great quality.