Amazing, easy to use, pain free, no yucky smells and easy clean up!!!

Verified Post by Serkan Ünalan
Published on 18 Jun, 2018

Wax Warmer Haarentfernung ARINO Heisswachs Gerät Elektronischer Waxwärmer Maschine mit 400ml Wachskessel und 4 Beutel Wachsperlen, Enthaarung von Intimbereich Gesicht Achsel Bikinizone Beine Ärme Rosa
Price: €28.99
My Rating
Avg. Rating
4.90 / 5   (10 Reviews)

Wow! Let me just start this off to say how impressed I am with this wax and wax warmer.

I'll try to go through what I was thinking while using this. I am an avid home waxer and wax pretty much my entire body as well as my husband's. I have used a top of the line wax and warmer for years now. This one works quickly, the wax has minimum odor (none compared to GiGi wax) and IT DIDN'T HURT like strips or other hard waxes I have tried. I definitely recommend it and will buy again!

For the long version:
So let me start at the beginning. LeChic wax warmer comes well packaged in a nice little box. Typical metal can size wax warmer with clear instructions and all parts in new/perfect working condition.

The wax all has the same ingredients (I will include pictures) and is mostly rosin and resin. Each bag of wax beans is resealable with a ziplock bag like closure and they close easily for me.

The warmer has a removable tin for melting the wax in that has a covered handle so you can remove the wax even when the pot is warm. Excellent for switching between waxes without needing to cool the pot or make a mess. I followed the instructions and the wax was completely ready for use in 8 minutes. I turned it down to medium to hold the temperature and it stayed perfect through my entire wax! Yay!

The wax itself: I am so impressed. It warmed quickly, has low/no odor, was easy to apply (and remove which is amazing!) and reached the right temperature to remove the wax fairly quickly making my wax that much more efficient. Also, I noticed barely any discomfort at all. It was less uncomfortable than tweezing one hair even though it was a 1.5" x 3" section of hair!

Oh! And no sticky fingers! To make my point, I didn't even need to remove any stickiness or build up before using my phone again. It came off clean and didn't drop or make a mess. I'm impressed. Entirely impressed and I'm definitely going to share this with my BFF!

Price: €28.99



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