Got a new travel organizer for carting the goods along with us in the suitcase! Now everyone should have their own travel toiletry bags for family vacations.I officially have one for everyone, so no mixing things up or complaining about not finding something. And it hangs, making it easy to put in the hotel bathroom or wherever we may be. We can line them all up along the towel rack or shower curtain rod and not have things clutering up the countertops and making it hard to get ready as 2 adults and 2 teenagers try to share one small bathroom! This bag is made of canvas but has almost a denim look to it, in my opinion. It is sturdy and won't get destroyed easily, which is perfect for two teenage boys to fight over. We have a family vacation coming up this summer and I think this is going to come in handy for one of them. I wouldn't be surprised to see them packing these up and taking them to their dad's when they go to visit, too. Great addition to our family's travel gear.

Get yours today!
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