I purchased this blanket for my grandson, he is currently almost 4 months old and I think it will absolutely adorable in this pack and play or his crib at home. The first thing that attracted me to this blanket was the adorable Dinosaur that is the main feature on the blanket. The next think that attracted to me was the point that I was able to personalize this blanket by putting my grandsons name on it. With these 2 things, I knew right away, that I wanted to purchase it for him and so I did. I would like to add that it did not take a long time to get to me which I was surprised by, I thought for sure, because it was personalized that it would of taken at least 3 months to get here and it didn't take that long at all. When I received the blanket, I ripped oped the package right away to feel the blanket and was absolutely blown away at how soft the blanket was. It feels like something you would buy in an expensive store, that's how soft it is. Another thing I liked about this blanket was the different sizes I was able to choose from when I ordered it, along with the size I ordered, (30 x 40) there are 2 other sizes you could choose from which I think is so nice. It gives the buyer a chance to buy for people or children who are tallet than the original size. Finally, the font that they use on the blanket looks so fancy, it really looks like it came from a high end store. I am so glad I bought this for my grandson and I can't wait for him to see it, and hopefully, this will be the blanket that he will take everywhere with him.
**I was given ample time to test and evaluate this product thoroughly before composing this review. All statements and opinions in my reviews are of my own and are in no way influenced by the seller or the fact that I have received a product at a discount.**