This is one of the best baby buys I could have made! My 5 month old is teething, so I pop a bit of frozen fruit in this and it keeps her occupied for a good ten minutes and soothes her gums nicely. It's also great for babies with parents who want to do baby-led weaning but are frightened of baby choking! They can chew the food through the silicone and it comes through the holes in teeny squished up pieces. Bigger than I anticipated but really well made, great design.
Simple design that’s super easy to use ... it even stands by itself thanks to the cover so it can stay clean and dust free... The doll handle caught little ones eye and got a good chew!! The nobbly bits on the orthodontic dummy gave relief also to sore gums .
it all comes apart perfectly and can be put in dishwasher or steriliser... no food or grim is left Thanks to a solid design
There’s no negatives from me!