Head-Mounted Bluetooth Wireless Headset, Hi-Fi Foldable Stereo Over Earphone,Built-in Mic Earphone (Black, 均码)
Price: $30.99
5.00 / 5   (2 Reviews)


Head-Mounted Bluetooth Wireless Headset, Hi-Fi Foldable Stereo Over Earphone,Built-in Mic Earphone

28 Oct, 2021
So far everything's working great. Only problem I've had so far is with the Bluetooth dropping signal to my phone but that could be my phone since I have problems with other items staying conn... read more »

Wireless Headset

18 Oct, 2021
Head-Mounted Bluetooth Wireless Headset, Hi-Fi Foldable Stereo, Over Earphone,Built-in Mic, Earphone (Black). Good value, easy to setup and easy to use. They sound great! They fold up for easy storage... read more »

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