Children must play this product under the guardianship of adults to avoid eating by mistake.
The magnetic putty is infused with millions of micro,magnetic particles.
These particles are what give the magnetic putty its strange attractive properties.
When this putty is in the presence of a magnetic field, it exhibits fascinating properties
Suddenly, truly super magnetic putty is created; watch it as it literally eats magnets under your eyes!
If you put the magnet down next to the putty, it will slowly engulf the helpless magnet within a matter of minutes.
Now you see it, now you don\'t. It\'s kind of freaky.
Not a permanent magnet itself, magnetic liquid putty is non-Newtonian matter, exhibiting qualities of both a solid and a liquid. Just let your putty sit on a flat surface and watch it spread-out and change shape like a liquid.
Roll it into a ball and hit it fast with your fist and you will feel it\'s hard like a solid.
It really can\'t make up its mind!