sized for USA: Trolley bags are designed to fit perfectly in American shopping carts. The BEST set of 4 bags that is PERFECT FIT for all carts. Our rods are designed to fit carts at stores, Walmart, VONS, RALPHS and Albertsons. Multifunction: Velcro on each bag allows all four to be connected whilst in the cart and separated when loading to your car and house, or if you just want to use one of the bags individually for a small shopping trip. Each bag is detachable so you can use them at the beach, for road trips, picnics and more. Heavy Duty: Made from top quality non-woven material to withstand heavy loads. Use different size and four colored bags to sort your items how you want. You can use our trolley bags time and time again. Eco Friendly: Eliminate earth damaging and animal hurting plastic bags and tree killing paper bags. So by using this grocery tote you will not only make your life easier but also contribute towards an environmentally friendly world. Foldable: The shopping cart bags can be easy to fold and roll them up for easy storage.
Although this set is greatly useful and practical the stitching should be stronger to be called heavy duty. While in the cart they are awesome , until you have to lift them out to put them in your car... read more ยป
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