Ashley Anderson


Nov, 2016

Juicer Ranking






About Me

I'm a nursing student that loves trying new products and sharing my thoughts about them with my friends!
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Powerful but quiet

07 Jan, 2018
I purchased this mini bullet vibrator because my previous bullet broke and I was wanting to replace it. I had gotten another bullet before this but it took small watch batteries that were inconvenient... read more »

Perfect for cars without bluetooth or hands-free capability

31 Dec, 2017
My car is a 2010 Chevy and it just has a standard radio/CD player in it. I live in a small town and our radio selection is terrible so I was looking for a way to utilize all these digital albums I'... read more »

Great for anyone with fatigued feet

27 Dec, 2017
I bought these because I'm a first year nursing student and we started clinicals recently, which means my feet are sore and swollen. I have tried compression stockings but I found them to be... read more »

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