Amelia Benton


May, 2017

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doesn't keep sheets in place

26 Nov, 2021
I'm not sure about it keeping boxsprings or mattresses together, but when using it to keep sheets from pulling up and off the corners of the mattress (instead of those suspender like straps), it w... read more »

Not bad but definitely not highly pigmented

07 Dec, 2019
I returned these because even though they weren't horrible, dried out or uselee, they were not in any way highly pigmented OR neon. The only ones that left opaque coverage were the dark colors. I... read more »

Do not buy this if you live anywhere that freezes

07 Dec, 2019
I live in Upstate NY so we get snow a good 4-6 months of the year. This is the first year in several years where I've had my own car so I thought this would be a good buy. I was very very wrong. I... read more »

not great

18 Nov, 2019
The bag part of this is tiny. If you have more than one cat and/or more than one box and don't scoop multiple times a day, there's no way the recepticle will hold an entire cleaning job. The c... read more »

kind of disapointed

18 Nov, 2019
At first I really liked this case. Full coverage with a plastic cove for the screen, fingerprint scanner/flash, and camera as well as plugs for the stylus, headphone jack and power jack. Well, unfortu... read more »

I love this thing!

25 Jun, 2019
It's been years since I've had an actual alarm clock. Not because I depend on my phone for that, but because it's so hard for me to sleep at night and having a bright LED readout right nex... read more »

Not at all what it advertises

17 Jun, 2019
This advertises as being a vibrant violet color in a permanent application. Unfortunately, it's not even remotely close to violet. It's more of a dark brown with a slight redish tinge to it. I... read more »

My cats are in love with this fountain

16 Jul, 2017
So in love with this fountain! More importantly, my cats love this fountain. I keep trying to get pictures of them being adorable with it, but they won't cooperate. Big surprise, right? I origi... read more »


16 Jul, 2017
I love this thing. I can't say enough good things about it. It takes a bit to charge up when you first get it (and even though it is approximately half charged already, you really should fully cha... read more »

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