Julie O'Brien


Jan, 2017

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So Handy. Don't know how I did things before my Multi-tool

16 Jan, 2020
This multi-tool is so handy to have it's amazing. I use this so often that I don't put it back in the garage.  I use it when I need to sand my wood for my epoxy projects. I use it when I... read more »

I took it to court with me!

30 Aug, 2018
I got pulled over the other day and the officer had been not so honest in his report. He had said that I was doing things that I hadn't done and that he told me things that he never said. Fortunat... read more »

Mo'Beta than older models

02 Feb, 2018
This is just as good if not better as the brand name, more popular watches that do the exact same things and are hundreds of dollars more.     I initially bought this for myself,... read more »

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