courtney law


Dec, 2017

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PERFECT for virtual learning with a child with ADHD or just as a toy

15 Sep, 2020
These are great! My oldest son who is six years old we are doing Virtual learning at home and he would always be grabbing something anything... Now, with these I give him one every morning to figet wi... read more »

Overall amazing!

24 Jun, 2020
Lots of pros to this little handy device!  I tried it out on Facebook video live. So far really loving how it brightens up the area I am video talking in. Also, perfect to use for a... read more »

Super cute and durable!

15 Dec, 2019
This is a really good butter dish! The knife on top comes in handy so much, It closes tightly and it can easily hold two sticks of butter. I've had other butter dishes but none like the durablity... read more »


15 Dec, 2019
I absolutely love this electric hand warmer! It doesn't get too hot like burning hot wise. You can set it on different temps. It feels so good in your hoodie or jacket pocket it comes in handy so... read more »

MUST have!

10 Feb, 2018
I absolutely LOVE this selfie ring light I recieved from rank booster #rankbooster at a #discounted rate to review, it is made by Shekar #Shekar. Which you can purchase on amazon for only $22.89 ... read more »

Left handed things are hard to find

10 Feb, 2018
My fiace is left handed which is why I got this to review at a discounted price from rank booster #Rankbooster It is made by Hemeray #Hemeray My review is my honest review. I was VERY attracted this t... read more »

Smaller than expected but still much loved!

10 Feb, 2018
I got this thinking my eight month old son would enjoy playing with it supervised of course! But it's too small for that so my four year old son took it over and he loved it for about a week until... read more »

Does not work with my iphone 6

12 Jan, 2018
This says it works with iphone 6/6s however it did not work with my iphone 6 which was very upsetting. With my case on my phone it was too little, and with my case off it was too big. So I think maybe... read more »

In love with these!

12 Jan, 2018
These are simply amazing! So useful and makes it so much easier holding my phone! They stick great and very durable, they come with 3m stickers to stick to your phone. You get two in a pack for $11.99... read more »

Amazing cables for a great deal!

12 Jan, 2018
These are amazing! They are so much longer compared to the normal apple cord you get with your iphone. They charge your phone just as quick as the apple one that comes with the phone. You get a total... read more »

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