Samantha Dunn


Sep, 2017

Juicer Ranking






About Me

I am a 24 year old from Edinburgh, Scotland.
Born October 22nd 1992.
I have 3 children aged 2 years, 1 year and 5 months.
I live with my partner who is 29.
We have a cat, a kitten and a dog.
I am always purchasing stuff off of ebay and amazon so thought why not start doing product reviews for helping people out rather than just when i order stuff for myself - although I am only ordering what I need!
I unbox all items on my YouTube channel, which I try to post on daily however I am not able to post on YouTube daily all the time and will be sharing al videos and items on facebook from now on as well.
Please feel free to email me anytime on
Recently Reviewed
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Love It

23 Sep, 2017
So not only is it a cute little banana shape but it is also a toothbrush with a nice sturdy structure. My 2 year old and 1 year old have both shown an interest in it so need to pick who it is going to... read more »

Ideal Lighting

23 Sep, 2017
So my LED lights arrived today. They were not packaged as well as I would of thought in order to protect the LED lights but came on a nice reel. As described by seller. Perfect for behind my TV to... read more »

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