Chastity Schwab


Oct, 2017

Juicer Ranking






About Me

My name is Chastity. I am almost 25, married to my high school sweetheart and a mother of 2 beautiful babies! I love reviewing! I get amazing discounts and I get to help the sellers promote those products!
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Best waist trainer!

30 Nov, 2017
This is the best waist trainer I have ever bought! I have 2 others that are nothing like this! One is basically a girdle, and the other claimed to be a waist trainer, but looked like a back brace. How... read more »

Beautiful gift!

30 Nov, 2017
I bought this gorgeous necklace as a Christmas gift and I could not be more pleased! Its light weight, and the crystals are so pretty. It's not huge, but it is big enough to make a statement. The... read more »

Why WOULDN'T you want these

22 Nov, 2017
Can I just say how stinking cute these cup cake cups are!? I am cheap, so I love that they are silicone and reusable!!! They come sealed in a container with a twist on lid, so when they are clean, the... read more »

great gift idea

22 Nov, 2017
Have an XBOX ONE? You need one of these to charge your controllers! Jason has 2 different controllers with 2 different types of battery pack :/ I know that it does charge one set very well, I don'... read more »


22 Nov, 2017
I am loving this pendant necklace, it is so dainty. It fits more like a choker, and even when you adjust the length, it doesn't go very long, but it is simple and beautiful. The stone is gorgeous... read more »

can never have too many!

22 Nov, 2017
These spatulas are so nice! I don't know what it is about the silicone kitchen tools that I love so much, but they are great! When you buy this back you get 5 random colors and they all come indiv... read more »

Coolest cat toy!

22 Nov, 2017
This cat toy is the coolest! It comes compact, but extends and locks into place like a fishing pole. It has fishing line that attaches to toy so its very durable, and a fishing latch to keep the toy o... read more »

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