OK, it FINALLY arrived, and it's a good item. Understand that when you order this item from this seller, you will be waiting a month to receive it, the tracking is from China so the actual tracking stops...
This is quite complete, it has everything you need to get started with embroidery. I am starting a new hobby called "Slow Stitching," and this is a great start to that. I have never tried embroidery before, but with this kit, I feel like I...
This is a cute little turtle. Definitely recommend it if you have elementary school kids they can put it on their backpack as a reminder you love them.
I use this crossbody every day. It is nice that I can slide my phone in the top slot, and extra charging blocks in the back, the makes it very easy to connect the phone and block together with a charging cord. The strap is adjustable, and most comfor...