This fits my son's nintendo switch perfect. It is easy to set up and hold the controller. My only concern was the way this was made, a cup fell over on it and broke it. It snapped the back the handle off that keeps it upright but now it still wor...
Works well, arrived in great time,
Kinda of heavy for long time wear
mic does not rotate 360 degrees, so this makes them not able to use on either ear
good sound
lights up pretty
I bought these for my brother in law for his PlayStation 4. He is a complainer and so far I haven't heard anything negative about these headphones, which is a huge plus!
This yccteam gaming headset is amazing and exactly what I was looking for. When my kids play video games they have the microphone connected to the camera so everyone in the game can hear us and we can hear everyone on the game. This headset has saved...
This yccsky adjustable charging stand is exactly what my family needed. The charging stand is great for the kids and their Nintendo switch and my husband and me for our phones. It charges the phones and switch very quick and seems to do a lasting cha...
These are great gaming headset. They are comfortable to wear and are durable. They do not look like the cheap quality headsets I’ve purchased in the past. I use this with my ps4 and the sound quality is excellent.
My boys seem to go through headsets as quickly as they go through earbuds. They both got a new headset for Christmas and here we are a few months later and I needed another set for my younger son. But since I was buying him one, I got another one for...
My boys seem to go through headsets as quickly as they go through earbuds. They both got a new headset for Christmas and here we are a few months later and I needed another set for my younger son. But since I was buying him one, I got another one for...