This is a very cute brightly coloured emoji squishy. The emoji is randomly picked out of several designs and my daughter was happy to receive the heart eyes. This one is not quite as slow rising as some of the other Asdomo sq...
My kids love these squishies, they love squeezing them it is great for stress. I find it helps with calmness. They are great I would definetly recommend to my friends.
This is a fun squishy from topofly. It is scented and it smells a little like a mocha coffee with a little bit of rubber mixed in. My daughter had fun playing with this for sure.
This arrived promptly and the package was undamaged. I was surprised at how big the egg container shielding the tamagotchi was! This would definetly make a great gift, especially for easter! I played around with one and it is really cool that I get t...
My daughter loves squishies and she thought this one was very cute! It is exactly as described but it says sheep in the description and it’s an alpaca. It is scented but we are not sure what scent it is. It is a slow rising sq...
Just gave these squishies to my daughter for her birthday today. She was so excited to play with them. My nephew tried to eat the ice cream cone as they are very realistic looking. My daughter is currently sleeping with the popcorn in one hand and ic...
My daughter had so much fun playing with these! They come in a pack of two, one is a popcorn and the other is a ice cream cone. They are both very cute and brightly coloured. My daughter received the red ice cream cone which was covered in...