This is a foldable pedal exerciser that can be used as a leg or arm machine. The left-hand photo shows the unit unfolded and ready to use. The right-hand photo shows the unit with the legs folded for storage. The tension is adjustable using the tensi...
We bought this exerciser at the suggestion of a physical therapist and, believe me, it gives your legs a workout while remaining seated! It took only about 5 minutes to assemble the unit (mount the legs and the pedals and you are done). It has a...
These fit my 5YO well. He thinks they are comfortable and is able to get them on and off on his own. They also fit into each other and come with a storage bag which is a plus. They seem be really really tough.
I got this for my 40 pound 7 year old and thought he'd love it!! Well when he got it he was excited but that didn't last long!! The air leaked out but there was NO HOLE ANYWHERE!! It's not worth the money!!
These ankle athletic running socks by #VWELL are very comfortable. I purchased them originally for myself but my grandson actually took them from me and claimed them since they were so comfortable. They fit very well and wash and dry well too....