These bags are amazingly sturdy and my wife was able to complete her task much more quickly than with the other bags
she has been using. The larger bag, as well as being stronger, is exactly what she needed. I would definitely recommend
the product...
It looks really pretty on the picture, however the stem is basically a straw. Not as sturdy as I thought it would be. The base is nasty plastic. But it looks ok from afar
#RankBoosterReview #Sponsored #Koogel
This is perfect for my hot room in the summer. You can really feel the difference. I used ice cubes and I am not likely to go back to fans after using this
We are using washi tape a lot for our scrapbooks for the last few years. It's great way to make more colourful fun. This rape is easy to stick on the paper, also easy to remove without leaving a trace. 20 rolls will last as a while. Comes in love...
Just what we needed for our sitting room as we always end up loosing remotes. No for more then a week none of us (family of 4) had issues finding remote as it's always goes in this organiser.
Nice soft material, easy to wipe clean. Will...
We used these lovely hearts to fill gift box for a friend. It was humper type gift and these hearts looked really good. Nice colour, good size. Would look really cool for wedding or valentine's Day table decoration.
Will buy again. Thank...
They are very good quality and stayed inflated for more then a week. No holes. Easy to inflate using electric air pomp. Nice rose gold colour. Very pleased