This is not very padded, so not as comfortable. But it is a satin like material, so it hardly feels like you are wearing something. However, it doesn't block out all light.
This is actually much better quality than I had hoped. It looks like it was several hundred dollars and works like it was too. This was a great purchase!
Well the bags are beautiful wish that it was 3 bags but its 2 bags they are beautiful and are nicely made with great craftsmanship and elegance I absoulutey adore them
Maybe be small but packs a punch. Takes a good 2 hours tops to get full charge. Easy to operate. Noise level isn't high. My fan muffles it perfectly. Easily compact, so can be stored easy, for easy hiding and traveling.
First off the packaging was very nice. It comes in a sleek black box, very discreet. No batteries, well at not the regular kind. It's rechargable but you have to be gentle when pushing the cord in I guess not to damage the material.
I love my summers off as a teacher but when I sleep for long hours I always wake up with back pain. Now I use the back support for when I get up and then after a few hours I feel better.
This knee brace offers the support that I need when I am at the gym. I had a torn meniscus and after surgery I needed extra support. During my post workout, cooling down was great I stretched and I had no pain and I lited like I never had surgury. I...
A great rabbit experience! You can not go wrong with this product. It has every feature that is sure to set off fireworks. I highly recommend for anyone looking to spice things up, or just wanting to add to your collection.
The Best rabbit yet! You can not go wrong with this product. It has every feature that is sure to set off fireworks. I highly recommend for anyone looking to spice things up, or just wanting to add to your collection.