My daughter loves it. You get 15 items=5sets for only under 6 dollars. We usually get something much more but fewer items. It is not made with cheap materials and it fits well on the dolls. what a great price for this set.
This has been a great piece for keeping my ears warm! I have short hair and do not like wearing stocking caps. I found this and am very happy with how thin it is, but the soft, fuzzy material keeps my ears very warm! My daughter sna...
Shipping on this took forever.. however, this has to be the nicest hat I have ever owned. Furry inside, well made. Fits perfectly. I love it. It was worth the wait
This Beanie is going to make a great Christmas gift for my daughter-n-law. She loves accessories and this will be something she will love and use.
It's pleated in the back which makes it quite stylish. It's a charcoal color so it wil...
After tying many caps that were not warm enough or too itchy or not fit... I finaly got one that is just right. It pic it appeard to be on tight side but the streachable circumference made it just fit for my head and ears as well. I recomme...
My son was really looking forward to getting this turkey hat to wear for Thanksgiving. We placed the order November 8 and were disappointed to see the shipping said it would arrive in December instead. He said it was okay, that he'd wear it for C...
This is perfect for a babies room. My newest great nephew has it I his room. His mom changes the water frequently and keeps it running most of the day. He has a little breathing issue, so using the more minty oils is preferable for him.&nb...