This tripod is an absolute must have for anyone who loves taking photo, It is really sturdy and made with high quality material. It holds my cannon Dslr and the best thing about it is, that you can fold it and place it in a small bag. I am absolute i...
Bought this for my son's bike. It fit the handle bars just like it was supposed to. The Garmin edge fits securely and I don't have to worry about it falling off and breaking. My only concerns is that it looks so natural and fits so well, is t...
I hate cords! This is a great little holder to put by your desk either on the wall or on top of your desk to keep your many cords seperated. I hung mine, and keep the 8 different cords that I have for all of my electronics from tangeling.
This is a wireless wi-fi home security surveillance camera by LUXJET. This is easy to set up there is step by step directions in the box. This works with your phone or tablet making that part wireless but the camera itself has a power cord. After dow...
This is a nice, simple little speaker. Cool design, works well, it's small & easy to carry around. It's small enough that I can stick it in the back pockets of my jeans. It also has volume control buttons so I can turn my phone all the wa...