This messenger bag is one of the most amazing bags I have ever owned. It is made of a canvas material, but is very light weight. It holds so much and has special pockets for extra items so these items won't get lost. There is eve...
great backpack. my sophmor son loves it. especially the charging port that comes with it. he no longer has to stop by starbucks to charge his phone or wait till i pick him up from school.
The most important task behind the wheel of a car is driving, therefore this little jewel is a life saver. It fits nicely in your car plug in, easy to set up and use. Works off bluetooth so you can use several things for it. Keeps y...
I bought this Flash Drive Memory Stick as a Christmas gift for my doctor,It has 8GB of memory on it! I thought it would be perfect! It really is a great conversation piece! Excellent for gift, stocking stuffer, or just every day. I definit...
I purchased this lens to shoot long range nature photos and I must admit, I'm surprised by the results. Being a photographer, I was a bit skeptical that this lense would compare to my brand name lenses but after my weekend nature shoot, I'm v...
These headphones are excellent quality! They say they're for kids but they fit me pretty good and can still extend even more, and I have an average sized head. The leds are super cute and are controlled with a switch on the back so you can turn t...