Easy to use. Stickers come with it, peel and place wherever you want. So far they seem pretty sturdy. It's a good value for the amount of corner protectors you get, and I can install them while I'm watching her. I would repurchase.
Purchased for our grandson this will be use quite a bit as it is easy to clean and non-toxic. The silicone will help make the learning of self-feeding a bit easier. Very Nice and highly recommended, perfect for a gift also!!
~ What ~
These package of 2 baby bibs are made out of food-grade silicone and measure 12 by 9 by 2 inches. They come in 2 color choices of pink and purple or green and blue. Each has a 3-inch deep lip on the bottom to catch loose food, 4 size h...
Being a foster parent, I have never done the whole memory keepsake thing for the 50+ kids we have had go through our home. But now that we are at the point that we have an adoption date set, I am looking at things that may help me document and memori...