This fabulous hooded baby towel so so super soft! First towel is large enough to swaddle an infant, wrap a toddler, and a great size for a child. This hooded towel could and would work well as a pool or beach towel fo...
Perfect for families where the mother and father both help out. Not girlie or boyish. Perfectly neutral. This bag is packed with all sorts of compartments and attachments for clipping specific items and have them stay exactly where you can find them....
so the main reason i bought these is my one granddaughter fell and hit her head on the table and had to get 4 stiches.. so i bought these so it will never happen again. they are nice and strong and very smooth.. so if she does fall she will get a bum...
bought these for my 1 and half yr old granddaughter because she like to open and close the door to pretend she is leaving .. these are the perfect thing to keep those little fingers from getting smashed in the door.. they are small but efficent . the...
These are probably the best I have seen thus far for baby locks. I love that the baby cannot press the piece and learn quickly how to open the cabinet doors because you need to have the magnetic knobs which are way out of her reach to do so.&nb...
My 4 month old loved this teething mitten, 5 Star Mommy Review ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ get yours here —-> Armati Teether Mitten by, Prevent Scratches for Teething One Pack - Orange
I normally probably wouldnt start off talking about colors of corner guards but im so sick of eggshell white that these are spectacular in comparison. These have a nice thickness to them without making them look completely out of place...