I am so pleased with the look and quality of this set. The bag is perfect and has three different ways to carry it around. You can use it like a backpack, carry it with a set of handles like a duffle bag, or use a longer strap to carry it over the sh...
I was surprised with the quality. I can pack in the diaper bag and keep her safe. Easy to set up and keep her in one place. No climbing around and it doesn't cause any discomfort.
Let me start with PLEASE READ ALL THE FINE PRINT before ordering anything online! Now with that said I missed the fine print that the puzzle pieces of this particular mat, was about 5 cm! I purchased under the assumption that they were the larger pie...
I bought this for my brother and sister-in-law as they just had a baby and we’re looking for ideas for monthly pictures. The blanket is super soft and the circle rope is absolutely adorable. Wish they had a newborn option on it seeing...
Having a hard time keepin your lil ones clothes clean during meals? This Bib is perfect. Has a pocket on bottom 2 catch runaway food, long sleeves 4 complete protection & easy 2 clean. No more food on their clothes.