My grandson is not quite 2 and now he can use the potty by himself. He likes to climb as most kids do, and he is safe so mom and dad are happy. Here's to potty training ease.
This caddy is adorable and functional. It can be used not only as diaper storage but for anything else you need to keep handy and organzied. The fabric is stiff and study, seems to be well made
Because I have three kids, I will most likely use this in the car as our iPod and electronics organizer. It’s a little smaller than I thought but that is because of my own negligence in looking at the dimensions before purchasing. All in all it...
#RankBoosterReview ii. #Sponsored iii. #Careshine Potty Seat with Ladder Cover Toilet Folding Chair Kid Potty Toilet Seat with Step Stool Ladder (Pink)
The training seat comes in really handy. Easy assembly and quick installation. My 2 year...
This is such a great set of bags! As a mom of a toddler these bags sure come in handy.
I love the look of these bags! They look like regular purses, something you can just use everyday normally. They don't stand out or look abnormally huge lik...