This memory foam seat cushion is great! This cushion is made out of high quality memory foam. I have back problems and my tailbone is longer than it should be, so this memory seat cushion helps me so much in relieving the pain of sitting in a n...
Unfortunately, we spend a lot of time in driving. That is just for all the various appointments that we have each week. It isn't even including the travel we do to visit family or the move we have coming up. My son frequently fa...
Easy to put on seatbelt, my son put it on himself. He says it's comfortable and he likes it. As long as he's happy, I'm happy. Fast shipping, and item came as described.
This was way too small. The steering wheel cover would barely fit my 3 year olds power wheels truck, so you can imagine me trying to get it on my Jeep steering wheel, it was not happening. The seat cover was very tight, hard to get on and did n...
These are cool!! I bought them for my bicycle...Little did I know, they are just a little too big for my bicycle and that makes them even cooler than I thought. I didn't read the whole description and that's all on me. Believe me, it'...
This is such a nice Power Invertrer. I am so impressed with how well made this is and look nice
also. I am able to plug in my little dvd player when we go on a trip or anything else that
requires a plug in spot. My son saw and...
I bought this cool little key chain for my son that is a mechanic
He absolutely thought it was the coolest thing he has seen in a while
It also doubled as a gift so it was a win win for everyone. Highly recommend